
Book Donations

Yes, we accept donations

The library accepts "gently used" books and other materials in good condition.  Books published within the last 5 years are greatly appreciated.
Items that are older than 5 years or are duplicates of ones we already have in our collection will be added to our sale shelf.  Your contributions to this shelf are welcome and appreciated.

Donation Guidelines
Small numbers of books (1-10 items) may be put through our book return drop slot at any time or dropped off at the circulation desk. If you have larger numbers of donations you may drop them off at the circulation desk during the staffed hours when someone is on hand to help you.

Our book sales are only as good as our donations. We can only sell books and items that are in good condition. Books that are moldy or smelly, have torn covers or missing pages, or have been nibbled on by the family pet cannot be sold. Please recycle these books yourself.

We gladly accept:

  • Hard-cover books
  • Paperback books
  • DVD & Blu-ray Movies
  • CDs & Audio Books

We do NOT accept:

  • Items which are unhealthy to handle (dirty, moldy, smelly, burnt, chewed or wet)
  • Books missing covers
  • Most magazines (We will accept certain magazines, please call in advance to find out if we accept what you have.)
  • Encyclopedias or Encyclopedia Year Books
  • Travel Guides which are more than two years old
  • Textbooks.

Donated odds & ends that we accept for use in our children's programs:

  • coloured paper, glue, crayons, washable paint, almost any and every craft supply
  • puzzles and games

Monetary Donations

If you wish to make a monetary donation or bequest, our Friends group is a non-profit society and can issue tax receipts for any amount over $20. Please make any cheques payable to:  The Friends of the Beaverlodge Public Library Society.

Donations may be dropped off at the library, or mailed to:

Beaverlodge Public Library

Box 119

Beaverlodge AB T0H 2C0